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Jewelers Mutual / SBS Gateway

Specialty Brokerage Services now offers the ability for our agents to complete quotes for monoline jewelry through Jewelers Mutual on your time! The first time you access this feature, you will need to register your agency. This will create a username and password and link your credentials to Specialty Brokerage Services.

In order to link to Specialty Brokerage Services, you will select “Specialty Brokerage Services” as the company name. The first link below provides step-by-step instructions for the initial setup. The second link will take you directly to the Jewelers Mutual portal.

If something happens to your insured’s jewelry, the customers get to work with their jeweler of choice to repair or replace their piece with the same kind and quality.

Specialty Brokerage Services is happy to partner with Jewelers Mutual in offering this valuable product.

Jewelers Mutual Highlights Include:

  • Standalone jewelry policy that protects claims experience on property policies
    • Jewelers Mutual does not report losses to CLUE
  • Broader coverage than traditional homeowners policy with fewer coverage restrictions
  • Extremely competitive rates
  • Easy-to-use, 3 simple question quoting platform
  • Coverage is available in all 50 states
  • Repair or replacement policy
  • No minimum or maximum value per item or aggregate schedule
  • Flexible deductible options
  • Worldwide travel